Sunday, February 14, 2010

Fresh New Look Coming Soon!!!

Stay tuned for the return of The Daily Mother!!!

Yep that's right I'm back and better than ever. Why? Well because my kids are a year older and I'm a little bit wiser, especially when it comes to parenting (although I do have major mommy moments where I completely lose my mind). But even more exciting is the added bonus of sibling interaction. Every day has its funny moments and they make for very good blog writing. So stay tuned...and if you haven't already become a follower so you never miss a post!!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas from Heaven

Ironically, my sister had prepared this poem last Christmas as a gift for her dear friend Nancy who lost both of her parents to cancer that year. She had ordered (or wanted to order) a special tree ornament and printed this nice poem on cute stationary to go with it. I'm not sure if Nancy ever got the ornament or poem but I found the poem in Kathy's stuff. It was written by John Mooney after the death of his mother and is now distributed at funeral homes across the country.

As you all know, Kathy loved Christmas. She loved all things Santa and homemade cookies and giving presents. She was always dressed for the festivities with cute holiday socks, pins or a red sweater. I'm confident that she is enjoying this Christmas in Heaven more than the last three that were spent in the hospital.

Merry Christmas From Heaven
By John Mooney, Jr.

I still hear the songs
I still see the lights
I still feel your love
On cold wintry nights

I still share your hopes
And all of your cares
I'll even remind you
To please say your prayers

I just want to tell you
You still make me proud
You stand head and shoulders
Above all the crowd

Keep trying each moment
To stay in His grace
I came here before you
To help set your place

You don't have to be
Perfect all of the time
He forgives you the slip
If you continue the climb

To my family and friends
Please be thankful today
I'm still close beside you
In a new special way

I love you all dearly
Now don't shed a tear
Cause I'm spending my
Christmas with Jesus this year.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Sorry I've been MIA...I've shifted my focus to my sister's blog for a little while. Come visit over there.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tummy Time

Experts recommend so many minutes of tummy time per day. How many? Well actually I don't know. I guess you can tell I'm not a big fan of expert recommendations. But we try to incorporate some tummy time into our routine at least a few days a week. In fact unlike most babies Thomas loves tummy time. He's pretty strong at holding his head up and can already roll from his tummy to his back and one time last week he went the other way from back to tummy.

Sophia, on the other hand, disliked tummy time. We would have to force her to stay on her tummy. The poor thing would cry and fight us every time...even on the cool tummy-time surfboard mat. I know. I know. Mean parents.

Now before you call us tummy torturers rest assured that eventually she learned to like it.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Don't Say the M Word

One of the most anticipated events in a mother's life is the day when her offspring says "Mama" or "Mommy" for the first time. I remember when Sophia first started talking she would say "Dada" all the time. Everything was "Dada" this and "Dada" that. As her primary caretaker I completely felt left out. Hell-o! What about me? What about Mommy? Say "Mama." Say "Mommy." "Who am I?" I would beg all day long, every single day for those two measily syllables. I even tried sign language but all I would get in return was a clear and concise "Dada" or a hand to the forehead (sign for daddy). So much for Mommy. Chopped liver, I guess.

Well I'm happy to report that times have changed. Well...sort of. You see Sophia has finally learned that we (her and I) are two different people. I'm not sure if it's my recent, frequent absences or a developmental thing. Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. All. Day. Long. Mommy this. Mommy that. I find it very odd how I couldn't wait for her to call me Mommy and now I'm ready to hand over the Thesaurus to my doting 21 month old. But honestly is there a better word for me than Mommy?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Some Bunny Fun

Late last night I remembered that I had to put our Easter baskets together. Every year I give Dan a very thoughtful basket full of useful stuff and a little bit of special candy. Same for Sophia. And this year Tommy and Mommy too. The only problem is that I didn't really have time to go shopping this year. Oops! What was I going to do? The Easter bunny couldn't let everyone down. Plus being the bunny is half the fun.

Surprisingly, I lucked out. I rummaged through the house and filled four Easter baskets. I did buy a couple of things for Sophia at Target the week before but the rest of it was either a re-gift (sorry) or something I bought recently but didn't intend to put in their Easter basket. Here's a picture of my great last-minute Easter basket creations.

Hopefully my children will never find out. So Thank You to my friend for the wonderful chocolate Bunny and Peeps - they worked great. And who would of thought that the baseball onesie I bought for Thomas would double as his basket filler. And the Speed Stick and pen refills for Dan. And the Big Red chewing gum and nail polish for me. Oh and don't forget our new iPhones!!! More on that later...

We hope you all had a blessed and Happy Easter!!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

My Portrait Nightmare

Lately I've been sort of sidetracked (in case you haven't noticed by my lack of blogs) so it came as no surprise that I did nothing to prepare for the Easter holiday in advance. (I barely have time to take a shower and comb my own hair these days). But today I mustered up all my energy to take the kids to the portrait studio for the first time. I wanted to get some Easter portraits for the family but mostly for my sister. Plus I wanted some cute 8x10's for our stairwalls.

In order to make things a little easier I called on my 12 year old niece to accompany us. Luckily for me she was free and coincidentally a mallacholic (according to my sister). First mission was to find two spring outfits. We ran into JcPenney found a beautiful yellow dress for Sophia. Next, we hopped on over to BabyGap for a plaid jumper for Thomas. Mission one complete.

Second, we had to get both kids dressed and looking cute. The portrait studio has a bathroom and comfy couches so we were able to get both kids cleaned up and ready. Mission two complete.

Lastly, we had to cross our fingers and hope both kids cooperated. Mission three - FAILED.

Sophia had a complete meltdown despite the snacks and juice and toys and distractions. She hated having her picture taken. She wanted nothing to do with her brother Thomas during the combo shoot. She just wanted to run all over the store and out of the store. Is there a reason why the kid's portrait studio is directly across from the big, giant, fun carousel? Seriously! The carousel marketing people are probably brilliant and racking in the dough. But the Portrait studio can't be doing that well. Because honestly I could barely keep Sophia in the store long enough to buy one single pose. I was so worn out, frustrated and tired we left without buying a thing. I felt completely defeated.

Later that evening when Dan came home from work I went back to the store to buy the prints. As I was waiting I sat down and stared at the beautiful family portraits hanging on the walls. How in the world do all these families have the perfect portrait? They make it look so easy but for me it was SO hard. Now I realize why I put it off for so long. It was a major nightmare for me to get two kids dressed, ready and more importantly happy at the same time even with my little helper. I think it will be awhile before we try that again!!!

P.S. I do have to admit that once I got home and framed the portraits - they look effortless and perfect after all...just like the ones in the store.
The Daily Mother, 2009. | Design by JudithShakes Designs.