Friday, March 13, 2009

For My Sister

My sister. My best friend. My hero.

I dedicate today's blog to the strongest person I have ever known. She has fought so hard for her life. Unfortunately the cancer has taken over. The doctors have given her just a few short months to live. But naturally no one really knows for sure. I do know that she will be greatly missed. Her smile. Her laugh. Her spirit. I wish her strength and comfort in her final days. I love you sister!


JackieMacD said...

Paula, you and your family continue to be in my thoughts. If your sister is anything like you, I can see why you admire her so much.

RP Mom said...

I am hold you, your sister and your family close to my heart and in my prayers. You are so blessed to have such an amazing sister and she is equally blessed to have you. You have written a beautiful post.

:) Christine

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