Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Stroller

Walking is about the only exercise I get these days. I mean who has time for the long lines at the gym? Not to mention the pressure of all those really fit people in super cute matching workout clothes. It's hard to compete with them after you've just had a baby. It's much easier to just stay home and eat bonbons all day. However, that's not a very healthy lifestyle. So I choose to walk instead. It's not my ideal exercise but it's fun and I'd like to think that the kids enjoy it. Therefore you can only imagine how important it is to have a good stroller.

Strollers have evolved a lot in recent years. There are so many different brands and styles...they are almost like little cars. A few even have hefty price tags like a car. I have no doubt that there are plenty of moms with "stroller envy" because just when you get yours a newer, cooler one comes out that is so much better. For this reason, you can also get a used stroller on Craigslist or eBay if you don't mind someone else's dirt and grime.

Now when I had just one child the stroller choice was easy. I went with a very popular brand in the pattern that I liked best - a black and white toile print. It came with a matching car seat and was very easy to use. When I found out I was pregnant the second time, I wasn't sure what type of stroller to get. The main choices were tandem and side-by-side. At first I really liked the tandem stroller because you could easily snap the car seat in the rear and Sophia could sit in the front. But I also liked the side-by-side because both children would have a view. Since Sophia and Thomas are relatively close in age I knew that she would be walking by the time he arrived, but I also knew that she wasn't going to walk all the time (and I certainly wasn't going to carry her). So I definitely needed a stroller but which one?

While I was researching I was really surprised to find there were a lot of tandem strollers (used) for sale for all the same reasons. "Stroller in excellent condition; barely used; only used a few times; my oldest likes to walk, etc." After reading multiple ads like this I contemplated if I really needed a double stroller myself. I mean if all these moms were selling practically brand new strollers...would I be next? At last I decided to get a side-by-side jogging stroller instead of a traditional stroller. It would be great for walks, perfect for the zoo and the kids could sit next to each other rather than fight for shotgun (when they get a little bit older). I figured the rest of the time Sophia could walk and the baby could ride in the single stroller. Or I could carry the baby and she could ride when she got tired..

So far I absolutely love my decision. I LOVE our double jogging stroller. It was the BEST present I ever received. It's like the SUV of strollers. Very lightweight and easy to maneuver and pretty good-looking too. Even Dan likes to push it and Sophia loves sitting next to her brother. My only complaint is that I don't get to use it often enough because the weather has been so bad lately. But hopefully it will get warmer soon!.

Dan pushing the stroller on our walk by the nearby lake. Thomas is in his car seat for now but when he's a little bit bigger he can sit forward in the real seat like Sophia (although I kinda like having him look at me).

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