Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Nap Time is Sacred Time

At our house sleeping is priority #1. All four of us LOVE to sleep. Dan requires at least six hours a night to "function" in the ER. He claims he needs ten but there just aren't enough hours in the day. I think I require six. Being a mommy is a very hard job. Sophia usually sleeps close to twelve hours every night. And Thomas is turning out to be a good sleeper too. He likes to go to bed around 10pm and wake up once to eat around 4am and he falls right back asleep until 8am or so. Which means I usually get two solid spurts of four hours. Last night I lucked out and got nine solid hours of sleep!!! I really needed it so I am very thankful to Thomas for the generous gift.

Daytime sleeping is also vital in our household. Dan will usually take advantage of any downtime to fall fast asleep. Me...I'm not a big fan of naps. I try when I'm really tired. But usually I just cherish the quiet time to be by myself and get stuff done. Sometimes I wonder if I'm putting Sophia down for a nap for her benefit or mine? I have to admit there are days that I feel like I'm begging her to nap. Today was one of those days.

She was very resistant to the whole nigh-night. She refused to sleep. After about thirty minutes of her protests and screams I went upstairs and let her free. I tried to put her down again an hour later. She protested again. Remember how yesterday I mentioned that we took away her beloved paci. Well now I'm partially regretting the decision. She won't sleep without it. She's crying and crying. Begging and pleading. But I held my ground. I didn't give in and eventually she fell asleep without it. Fast asleep for two hours or so. I checked on her around 6pm tonite and she was passed out. It reminded me of the good ol' days when I could walk in her room without waking her.

And the same crib

From twenty inches to twenty months...big change, huh? Notice that she still sleeps with her arms above her head.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel naps are vital as well. More for me then anyone else. I tend to be a night person so I stay up late. This makes me cranky and needing some nap time by noon. My 22 month old has boycotted naps this past week and she is killing me. I think part of it is the time change. All I know is that I am missing my naps and I want to have a temper tantrum.


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