Thursday, March 5, 2009

When Spontaneous is Best

As a stay-at-home mom with two little ones you can imagine how boring and lonely it gets at our house. Well, okay, it's anything but boring and I'm never truly alone. But after a few days of the daily routine, it suddenly dawns on me that I haven't had an adult conversation in days and I'm beginning to sound like a toddler. When I do get a chance to meet with a friend, I feel like there is so much to talk about and never enough time. The same is true when Dan gets home from work every day. I talk and talk and talk and he listens and then it's time for bed.

Now you know why playdates are SO important for the stay-at-home mom. I'm pretty sure they are more beneficial for the mothers than the kids who are playing, especially at Sophia's age. As much as she loves her friends, she would be completely content to play toys alone or with mommy at home. But I am not content being home all day. By the time lunch comes around I must get out of the house. At this point even ordering a sandwich at the deli counter can fill the void. Therefore, I try to schedule playdates every week when we have a free day.

Today a friend called to see if we were busy. Nope, come over. After I hung up I sorta felt like I was begging. I was so excited to have a friend over both for myself and Sophia. The best part, however, is that I didn't have to plan it a week in advance only to cancel at the last minute. It was spontaneous, spur of the moment, and just what I needed on an otherwise boring Thursday.

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